Lego Theorem

Love, love is a feeling, an emotion that can vary in strength, in form, in passion. Parents are at times too quick to dish-out the statement of "you're too young to be in love" when their fifteen years old daughter speaks of her first love. Nevertheless, that is simply not true. A person is born into this world and the first of many emotions s/he will feel is love. When a baby's cries can only be soothed by their guardian, that sole person that stays up all through the night when said baby is sick, the one who will help arm the baby with the command of language, with the appropriate skills to manipulate utensils whatever they maybe. The one that will help as their child struggles with tasks such as learning to stand erect, later toddle along and finally stride with ease.

Love appears in many forms and passing through life without feeling any form is fairly difficult. Love can be between a mother and a child, between two friends, between two lovers, between a master and a pet, between two siblings...Take a moment and picture that person that you have more love for than any other, think of the way you feel about them. I can in all truthfulness, declare that the way I feel about the one I love is a feeling so overwhelming, so utterly intoxicating that "love" seems too limited, too inadequate, too feeble a word to do my emotions justice.

So, here we are so completely and irrevocably in love how do we go about making our feelings known to our significant individual. Men get down on one knee in a fancy, bourgeois restaurant or under the a nightsky with only the beauty of the full moon as witness the occassion. Why do men put in the effort? Why is it that as females we want the prefect diamond ring, the perfect dress, the perfect wedding...Why is it that we want a thoughtful, romantic husband? Why do we celebrate fathers' day by going out of our way to make "his" day special? Why do we continue to celebrate birthdays, annivetsaries, mothers' day, valentines and so on...We do it because we want the ones we love to know just how much we appreciate them and how strong our love is for them.

I have been blessed in so many ways, let's see I have been gifted with sight, ability to hear, communicate, walk, love...all my abilities are gifts, blessings that have been so perfectly packaged and created for me, one person out of seven billion. How can I wake up every morning with the same abilities and not believe in a creator. How is it that the same respiratory system that equips me with the blessing of breathing also allows you to take in a breathe too. How can humans be so anatomically similar to apes, but yet be so distinct? How can any of the creations that surround us be a product of anything other than a higher power? How is it that I an able bodied, sane person have unexpressed genetic mutations and other individuals such as those with Down's, Prader-Willi, Cri du chat be so affected and diabled by their mutation, so intellectually different?

Let's put the theory to the test. As children we played with lego or a toy to that affect. Coup up a handful of pieces and toss them, no matter how high one throws them, no matter how many times one repeats the task never will two pieces latch on, let alone many pieces so perfectly and intrinsically positioned.

Ponder on our hypothesis
Always, S
